Biden biggest screw up of his entire presidency, and there’s been a lot of ’em, but this pardon. The pardon of the spoiled manchild who has grown up in an alternative reality, a reality that’s made him into a drug addict. And Biden, by taking this move, has risked, I think he’s risked the validity of democracy, of the civil justice process.


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Mike Papantonio: So, while we’re talking about Biden walking out into the Amazon, let’s talk about the biggest screw up of his entire presidency. And there’s been a lot of ’em. But this pardon. The pardon of the manchild, the spoiled manchild who has grown up in an alternative reality, a reality that’s made him into a drug addict. Some kind of, I mean, go down the list of this. I’ve called this guy a dirt bag and people get so upset. He is a dirt bag. It wasn’t just addiction. Look, this is a guy who had a child, ignored his child, like she didn’t exist. He made films of himself with strippers and hookers and was proud of it. Put it out, you know, kept it secret until it hit the internet and they had no words to describe. What in the hell are you doing? Okay. I don’t know how. There’s no way I can see anybody defending the guy, because he did, he grew up in a bubble, a DC bubble. He’s a spoiled manchild. And Biden, by taking this move, has risked, I think he’s risked the validity of democracy, of the civil justice process.

Farron Cousins: Um, I’m okay with it.

Mike Papantonio: Too strong? Well, I know.

Farron Cousins: I first of all cannot stress enough also, I don’t care. We all knew this was happening. You and I actually stood here two weeks ago from this moment, and we talked about the fact this will happen, and at the time, both kind of agreed like, hey, this, whatever, it’s gonna happen. No big deal. I don’t think it was important enough for the New York Times to run seven front page stories on it on Monday, for the Washington Post to run six front page stories on it on Monday. So between those two alone, 13 stories in a matter of hours on the front page when we had information that Pete Hegseth, Donald Trump’s defense secretary, that horrible report from the New Yorker, buried because of Hunter Biden. Kash Patel, a guy who’s threatened to go after the media once he gets to the FBI. And by the way, hey, guess who that is too?

Mike Papantonio: That’s us.

Farron Cousins: Buried because of Hunter Biden. And look, I don’t think that Hunter Biden is a good person by any stretch. I’m not defending anything this guy has done.

Mike Papantonio: I’m sure you’re not.

Farron Cousins: But if I were in a position and my kid was in trouble and I could get my kid out of trouble waving a pen, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

Mike Papantonio: Okay. Here’s the problem I’m seeing with it, Farron. Two weeks ago when we talked about this, I did say, ah, no big thing. I really meant the gun charge. I thought the gun charge was ridiculous. They had to really work to do it. There are plenty of people in prison for the same thing that he was convicted of. You understand? A lot of people in prison for that. But to me, the $1.4 million for tax evasion, unacceptable. Especially when daddy makes the decision, I’m gonna put 90,000 new IRS people out there to make sure you or I play by the rules. But manchild, spoiled manchild, we’re gonna let him get away with $1.4 million. How about the other part of it? Here’s where you and I, I don’t know if we disagree. I’m seeing it a little different. I’m seeing why would you take this pardon all the way back to 2014? Okay.

Farron Cousins: Which is what I said he would do. I said he would go back all the way.

Mike Papantonio: You said he’d go as far as he possibly could, but I really didn’t even believe that would happen. When you said it, I was ah, I’m thinking, no, that’s not gonna happen. But he did it. He goes back to 2014 because of Burisma. Right? Because Burisma, whether, we don’t know all the facts of Burisma now, but we’re going to, and the truth is it’s gonna involve his brother. It’s gonna involve Jim Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, possibly the entire family. And they don’t have immunity. You understand? At this point, there has not been a blanket immunity all the way back to 2014 for the entire Biden family. It’s a problem for them. Whether you wanna accept that or not. If I’m a prosecutor and it’s payback time, I’m gonna go to Burisma and I’m gonna say, wait, let me get this right. Here you had a totally corrupt oil and gas company that was being prosecuted by somebody who had all the material on ’em. Here’s the list of material, bad material about Burisma. All of a sudden the President of the United States shows up and says, you better fire this prosecutor or there’s gonna be sanctions.

Farron Cousins: The global community you mean. Not just our president, the global community.

Mike Papantonio: I understand, but the president participated when his son was on the board, Farron. You can’t ignore that.

Farron Cousins: Shokin was actually going after, no, no. He wasn’t going after. He was going soft on Burisma. That is what was happening at the time. So it’s not because he was going after them. Part of it had to do with the fact he was not going after them. But let me also say here though, is that we had for two straight years now we’re in the 24th month of it, Republicans in the House of Representatives on three separate committees every week investigating this stuff. They got nothing. Nothing. They brought in these so-called whistleblowers. Some they had to pull out of prison.

Mike Papantonio: But you know what they’re saying about that? They’re saying, whether it’s true or not, it’s a pretty good talking point, the talking point, the very reason we couldn’t get to the bottom of it was because we had the DOJ interfering with real information. That’s the talking point on that. I know exactly what you’re saying. But the comeback is, that’s the talking point. And so, I don’t know, the guy’s a dirt bag and to say, I’m gonna save this dirt bag and run the risk of every American thinking there’s a two-tier justice process in America. There’s the haves and the have nots. The have nots go to prison. The haves don’t. That somehow we can actually say we’re above the law. And when you add the facts situation up with Jim, Biden’s brother being involved in the Burisma thing, we don’t know where that really goes, or big guy being involved. It’s these little bits and pieces to where I used to prosecute and I gotta tell you, if I had these little facts and I wanted to make ’em count all of this we’re gonna see again and again. So I think he has to give a blanket, he needs to blanket pardon the entire Biden family, I believe.

Farron Cousins: Well, look, another part to me too is that we got a guy that’s coming into office that has 34 felonies, convicted of 34 felonies. So is Hunter Biden above the law now? Sure. We got a convicted felon walking into the White House. We got a pardoned criminal, a pardoned felon, kind of like Hunter Biden is now, that’s about to be the ambassador to France. So, if we want to sit here, not us, but the media has made this into such, this is the biggest story in the world, and it’s really not. It is a story of corruption, but my God, we see these kinds of pardons with every single person that goes through that presidency. Trump, when he pardoned Steve Bannon and Manafort and Roger Stone. Bill Clinton, when he pardons family members.

Mike Papantonio: Yeah. The rich, my God.

Farron Cousins: HW Bush did it with the Iran Contra people. And Reagan, we have to reign in the pardon power, because this is not a Biden problem. This a Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Nixon, Ford, everybody problem.

Mike Papantonio: This will be remembered as a Biden problem. That’s my prediction. This will be, when you talk about, pardon, look, you had all of the airbag talking heads two days before he did this, talking about what a wonderful President Biden is because he’s made this statement, I’m not gonna pardon., You remember this? MSNBC, you couldn’t turn it on without them, these accolades about what an incredible man this is, how honest he is. How above the law. How really the law.

Farron Cousins: And that’s what drives me crazy about that, is everybody with a brain knew this was coming.

Mike Papantonio: Well, I’m not suggesting we’re the only people with a brain, but we did, we talked about this a lot.

Farron Cousins: We even talked about it every time we talked about Biden, even possibly resigning the presidency, we said, go out there, pardon your son, resign from office. Pardon your son. Resign from office. We have so many clips of us saying that this is what was gonna happen. And so for anybody to act like this came out of left field like the media’s doing, you are too stupid to be talking about the news anymore then because my God, a child could have predicted that Biden was gonna pardon his son.

Mike Papantonio: How about Whoopi Goldberg and The View? You would’ve thought that they were inviting Biden on the show to have sex with him because he’s such a remarkable person for not, for not pardoning his son. That’s how crazy this is. And then today you got Whoopi out there, oh, well, he didn’t know he was gonna pardon? Have you heard that argument?

Farron Cousins: I haven’t.

Mike Papantonio: No. The argument, he didn’t know he was going to pardon? Like, he just woke up one day on Thanksgiving morning and said, by golly, I have figured something out.

Farron Cousins: He may not know that he did pardon him.

Mike Papantonio: He may not.

Farron Cousins: To be honest, he may see him at Christmas dinner and say, I thought you were in jail. I don’t know.