A school district in New Jersey has been hit with a lawsuit alleging a pattern of anti-semitic behavior and hiring practices at public schools. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.


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Mike Papantonio: A school district in New Jersey’s been hit with a lawsuit alleging a pattern of anti-semitic behavior and hiring practices at public schools. Wow. So the mayor, Derek Armstead goes as far, well, you pick it up. Pick the story up.

Farron Cousins: Yeah. This is a super disgusting story here out of New Jersey. You’ve got this school district where you have a Jewish teacher, been on the job for a couple years, part of these meetings, superintendent and the mayor. And they’re like, well, we’ve got some higher political ambitions here. We don’t want to just be a mayor. We don’t want just be a school superintendent. So what we need to do is we gotta hire more black people. We gotta hire more Haitian people. Okay. But we’re not gonna hire any more Jewish people. We don’t want the people, what is it, what did they say?

Mike Papantonio: He described big hats and big curls.

Farron Cousins: Yeah.

Mike Papantonio: In other words, he’s talking about Hasidic Jews. We don’t want them anywhere around our politics, because I want to be reelected with Haitians and black individuals that we’ve put in these offices.

Farron Cousins: I think he was actually trying to run for a congressional seat.

Mike Papantonio: Yeah. It was, that’s right. It was a congressional seat. But this is DEI just on steroids, isn’t it? I mean, this is where it gets so crazy. But the real truth was this was all for him.

Farron Cousins: Yeah.

Mike Papantonio: This was so I could be Mr. Big and I could win in Congress. So we don’t want Jewish people in these political positions. And he describes them, big hats and big curls, like we don’t know what he’s talking about.

Farron Cousins: Right. And suggested, oh, they might be taking over the neighborhoods near this school district. And we can’t have that. We nneed more black people. We gotta hire all of these Haitians. And then it gets even more racist from there because they say in the meeting, like, well, okay, well, how do we know? And he says, well, somebody there, I don’t know if it was the mayor or somebody else. They said, sometimes you can tell just from the name what color these people are. So this is a Democratic politician who wanted to further his career, who engaged in both this form of racism and pandering, because he says, oh, look, I’m hiring all the black folks here. You’ve gotta vote for me because I’m so great for this community. It’s disgusting and what it does, you do that when you think voters are stupid.

Mike Papantonio: It sounds Republican, doesn’t it?

Farron Cousins: It really does.

Mike Papantonio: But he’s a Democrat. Matter of fact, he’s a Democratic golden boy, apparently up there. The Jewish vote needs to put a ton of money to defeat him. They need to do everything they can to defeat this guy and send a message. And the message is, antisemitism is antisemitism. You can dress it up any way you want. You can’t hide it by the words that you use. But this is, again, just so you can follow this story, follow this guy’s career, which I hope is over, is Armstead, right? Mayor Armstead.

Farron Cousins: Yeah. Derek Armstead, Superintendent of Schools was Atiya Perkins was and Board of Education President is Marlene Berghammer.

Mike Papantonio: Yeah. Okay. There you go.

Farron Cousins: So, there’s everybody.

Suspicious Activity: That it had helped dirty money flow through its branches around the world, including at least 800. Plaintiffs allege that the defendants provided money and medical goods to terrorist groups, Hezbollah and Jaysh al-Adl. This is a well organized business for these individuals that carry out these attacks. Terrorism is a business and they run it like a business. They knew about what was going on for a decade. They absolutely, absolutely no question about it knew that HSBC was washing money. They had every reason to understand it was for terrorism and it was for drug cartels. Took no action whatsoever.

These banks are involved, their accounts are connected, and they’re using them to mask the transactions. The more complicated they can make the transactions, the more distance they could put between the bad guys and a seemingly legitimate purpose of these funds. They pay $1.9 billion, which is a drop in the bucket compared to what they’ve made. And nobody goes to prison. These CEOs, these bankers that made this decision, they’re safe at home. They know what they’ve done. They know it’s resulted in the death of Americans, contractors and soldiers, not just hundreds but thousands. And we look the other way because they don’t look like criminals. The die cast, the people that are responsible for it, are on Wall Street. And they don’t look like criminals. It’s almost a suspension of disbelief. Sometimes I’ll have people call me and say, is this, is this real? Do they really get away with this? Yeah, they do.