A new study out of the United Kingdom has found that the chemicals in vaping fluid are causing a cascade of problems in the human body, and those fruity flavors that young vapers love so much are the worst on the market. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.


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Mike Papantonio: A new study out of the United Kingdom has found that the chemicals in vaping fluid are causing a cascade of problems in the human body. And those fruity flavors that young people seem to love, well, they’re on the market and they have potential to cause diseases, Farron, that we don’t even know the names of the diseases. That’s what struck me. They said, this is happening so fast, we can’t even keep up with the way that these chemicals are morphing. We’re seeing chemicals we’ve never seen coming from a vaping pen. Pick it up.

Farron Cousins: Yeah. Because what’s happening is, well, first of all, you’ve got at least they’ve identified 180 chemicals in some of the most popular flavors of these vaping fluids. But these researchers say, listen, we can only look at necessarily the individual chemicals. What we can’t look at and understand yet, because it hasn’t been long enough, is what happens when you superheat these chemicals together.

Mike Papantonio: Synergistically

Farron Cousins: So we’ve got chemical reactions taking place inside your vape in a matter of nanoseconds that then goes into your lungs. And again, these things have not been around long enough for us to have any kind of long-term studies. So what these researchers in the UK did, which is actually quite brilliant, is they ran it through artificial intelligence. They said, simulate these chemical reactions inside a human body over a period of five years, 10 years and basically this AI generated body is so filled with diseases, like you said, we don’t know what they are.

Mike Papantonio: They don’t want the disease. They don’t even know what the diseases are. Neurological, cardiac, pulmonary. They’re seeing variations of chemicals they’ve never even seen before. While these cats are saying, well, I don’t smoke anymore. By God, I got off of tobacco. I brought, our law firm, brought the first tobacco cases in America. Believe me, I know how bad tobacco is. But at the same time, you have, I call ’em these new pioneers. They’re pioneers of new diseases. They’re pioneers of new chemicals. That’s why this guy is right here as he smokes his vape, he’s a pioneer. He’s pioneering new diseases that we won’t see for 10 or 15 years. New chemicals, wow, we got a new chemical out there. Wonder what we’re gonna do with it? It’s just, what is it, is it 40,000? 40,000 different flavors?

Farron Cousins: Yeah.

Mike Papantonio: Okay. And each flavor, according to this, has potential to create diseases we’ve never even seen before. Right?

Farron Cousins: Right. And each of those 40,000 different flavors means 40,000 different chemical combinations. And if you are using, well, today, I’m a grape flavor. Tomorrow, I’m a cherry flavor. Now suddenly you’ve got different chemicals now interacting with the other. It’s insanity. You’re turning your body into this little disgusting laboratory and you don’t even know. And they have the audacity to tell us it’s safe, is what the vapors do.

Mike Papantonio: Well, worst, oh, yeah, we’re gonna get comments.

Farron Cousins: Oh, they are the most rabid people.

Mike Papantonio: We will get the most rabid crazy and I love it. I love it.

Farron Cousins: It’s hilarious.

Mike Papantonio: They are so frigging crazy. Well, it got me, I stopped smoking. Go back to frigging smoking. You are safer, if you follow this story, and the truth is, the industry, of course, is reaching out to kids. Ollie Ollie Orange, Goofy Grape, Susie Strawberry. Those are kind of the flavored names. I don’t know if those are exactly the names, but that’s what they do. They name it these cutesy little names, and oh, wow. This tastes like grape. This can’t be bad for me. Well, thank you. You’re a new pioneer. You are engineering new diseases that we haven’t seen, and we’ll see ’em in the next 10 or 15 years. That’s, I guess that’s the only congratulations you can give these cats because that’s exactly what’s happening.

Farron Cousins: Yeah. And look, my biggest issue with these folks that do this is listen, if you want to do it, do it. Okay. That is your prerogative a hundred percent.

Mike Papantonio: Yeah, of course.

Farron Cousins: But stop fooling yourself into thinking that this is safe. That, oh, well, there’s no studies that show it’s gonna cause diseases, because there’s no time yet. These things have been around for maybe 14 or 15 years from their early incarnation of what was called the e-cigarettes at the time. But stop pretending that, oh, well, since no long-term studies exist, obviously it’s fine. It hasn’t been around long enough for there to be long-term studies.

Mike Papantonio: Of course. I mean, anybody with a brain can analyze that. You don’t need AI to tell you that. But AI is saying, well, by God, we’re seeing diseases we don’t even, we’re projecting diseases we don’t even have names for. We’re projecting chemicals that we don’t even know what to call ’em.

Farron Cousins: Well, it’s gonna end up being Goofy Grape syndrome, and, you know.

Mike Papantonio: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Farron Cousins: Ring of Fire founder and host of America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio has a new book came out this week called, “Suspicious Activity.” Like his other books before it, this book actually deals with real legal cases that Mike Papantonio has handled, but in a fictionalized way. The book follows the character of Nick Deketomis that Papantonio first introduced in his book, “Law and Disorder,” and it carries on the story that began in “Law and Disorder” through “Law and Vengeance,” “Law and Addiction,” “Inhuman Trafficking,” and now “Suspicious Activity.” This book, in particular, deals with the financial institutions that have helped launder money for terrorist organizations, which of course is a topic we have covered extensively here on Ring of Fire. So if you’re a follower of Mike Papantonio’s books, or if this is your first one, you can get your copy of “Suspicious Activity” now. Just go to MikePapantonio.com and place your order. And if you haven’t already, check out Mike’s other books, also available on MikePapantonio.com.