While appearing on a podcast this week, Alina Habba defied all logic by claiming that E. Jean Carroll will not only end up with ZERO dollars from Donald Trump, but she went even further by claiming that Carroll is going to be paying Trump’s legal fees. Nothing could be further from the truth, and Habba is the reason why Trump has lost hundreds of millions of dollars. At this point, the real delusion is why any podcast would bring her on as a guest to talk about anything, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.


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This week for some reason, Alina Habba was a guest on the PBD podcast where she sat for over two hours, again, for no real reason other than it’s a bunch of dude bros who probably think that she’s attractive. So let’s bring her into the studio. But either way, Alina Habba did this little idiot podcast where she proudly proclaimed that E. Jean Carroll would not only be getting $0 from Donald Trump, but that eventually, E. Jean Carroll would also have to pay Donald Trump’s legal fees. Now, if that’s not delusional, then I don’t know what is, but here is how that exchange went down. The PBD host, Patrick Bet-David said, quote, how much of the $83 million is she going to see? Referring to Carroll. And Alina Habba said, zero, zero, and then I’m gonna sue for attorney’s fees. PBD said, oh, I can’t wait for that. To which Alina Habba responded, oh, yeah. And Patrick said, so she can’t go shopping? You mean she can’t buy? And then Alina Habba chimed in, in a little singsong voice and said, she can’t buy her friends. Oh, I watched that. I said, I said, Reid Hoffman, I hope you’re watching. DNC, I hope you’re watching. This is the person, this is the person you picked. She, look, I couldn’t talk about her cat’s name. I couldn’t talk about that.

What? What does any of that even mean? But of course, none of that was actually relevant to the fact that Alina Habba is delusively proclaiming that E. Jean Carroll is going to get $0 of the $83 million that Donald Trump has already had to put into a bond to eventually pay to E. Jean Carroll. And Alina Habba has to understand, and I think the PBD people should also understand, Alina Habba is the reason that’s happening. She was such a bad lawyer that Donald Trump lost, and in the New York fraud case as well, she was such a bad lawyer that Donald Trump got hit with a $464 million verdict. So why are you bringing this person onto your podcast as an expert to talk about anything? Alina Habba is painfully arrogant for somebody who is so incredibly stupid. She is the perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Somebody that is so incompetent at what they do, that they are too stupid to understand their incompetence, but they try to counter that with this over-confidence, which just makes them fail even harder.

And Alina Habba should be the textbook definition of Dunning-Kruger, because that is what she is. So y’all are bringing her on this podcast, which in and of itself is delusional, asking her about the legal cases, which she lost. She’s boasting that Carroll’s not gonna get a dime of the money that Trump has already had to fork over into a bond. So my question to you, PBD folk, is are you gonna bring her back on when that appeal fails? You gonna make her sit there and eat crow? Because that’s what you should do, right? I mean, you gave her the platform to make these big, bold claims. So what are you gonna do when it all fails? Are you gonna invite her back? Are you gonna point out that she was wrong and that she’s the one who caused all these financial problems for Donald Trump? My guess is you probably won’t. And even if you do have her back on, even after she loses this appeal, you probably just won’t bring it up because that would be a little bit embarrassing for all of you, wouldn’t it?

Farron Cousins is the executive editor of The Trial Lawyer magazine and a contributing writer at DeSmogBlog.com. He is the co-host / guest host for Ring of Fire Radio. His writings have appeared on Alternet, Truthout, and The Huffington Post. Farron received his bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of West Florida in 2005 and became a member of American MENSA in 2009. Follow him on Twitter @farronbalanced