As expected, Donald Trump manages to escape justice, yet again. The appeals court decided at the last minute on Monday to not only reduce his bond from $464 million to $175 million, but they also gave him an extra 10 days to pay it. There was no reason at all for the extension or the reduction, but this is the kind of thing that always happens with Donald Trump. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses the new deal.


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So for the past week, in nearly every segment that I have done talking about, oh, the deadline’s approaching for Trump to pay the $464 million, I’ve included the fact that, hey, don’t get your hopes up because something always comes along at the last second to save Donald Trump. And Monday was, of course, no exception, as we had just hours left before Donald Trump hit that deadline of having his property seized the appellate court, a five judge panel on the appellate court decided, you know what? Let’s not only give him an extra 10 days, but let’s also reduce the amount he has to pay for the bond to $175 million, basically a $300 million almost reduction. And of course, on top of that, let’s go ahead and give into his other demands and go ahead and put a stay on several of the conditions that Judge Arthur Engoron had put on him, which basically means Donald Trump being barred and his kids being barred from doing business in the state of New York, is now indefinitely on hold, pending his appeal.

So he can still do business in New York, his kids can still do business in New York. They got 10 days to come up with 175 million dollar bond, which they should be easily able to do at this point. And Trump wins again. There’s always something that comes along at the last second that saves this bastard. Every time. No matter how bad you think things are for Trump, no matter how bad they look, this guy always, every time wriggles out of it. And following the decision on Monday of the court to, you know, basically throw him a massive lifeline, Donald Trump went out there and started celebrating. He sent an email out to his supporters with the headline, Trump Tower remains mine. And of course, he got on Truth Social to declare victory saying this, Judge Arthur Engoron has refused to obey by the decision of the appellate division relative to the statute of limitations.

This is a confrontation between a judge and those that rule above him. A very bad situation in which to place New York State and the rule of law. Now, before I continue, let me go ahead and say that no Engoron actually did not violate the appellate court’s decision on the statute of limitations. He abided by it. That’s why a lot of the years where they also had evidence of fraud, they weren’t allowed to do anything about it. So Engoron did not violate the court’s order there. That is an absolute lie from Donald Trump and a misrepresentation of what happened in the first place. But Trump continued.

Engoron has disrespected the appellate division and its very clear and precise ruling. He should be made to do so. And at the same time, release the gag order. This is the fifth time in this case that he has been overturned. A record. His credibility in that of Letitia James has been shattered. We will abide by the decision of the appellate division and post either a bond equivalent, securities or cash. This also shows how ridiculous and outrageous Engoron original decision was at $450 million. Then in all caps, he adds, I did nothing wrong, and New York should never be put in a position like this again, businesses are fleeing violent, crime is flourishing, and it is very important that this be resolved in its totality as soon as possible. Thank you.

This is what this bastard does. And it’s, again, I predicted this. I literally said the appellate court was gonna come in at the last minute and save him, and they did. So I shouldn’t be as mad about this as I am because I totally knew it was gonna happen. But it’s just one of those times where, man, I hope I’m wrong. I hope I am wrong. I was hoping to go and do videos on Tuesday saying, hey, guess what? I was wrong and I’m glad, but nope, didn’t happen. It is what it is, folks. Of course for the record, this does not do away with the $464 million that Trump owes the state. All this does is it frees him up to actually go through with the appellate process. That could take months. But if the appellate court eventually says, nope, we agree with Engoron’s ruling, you gotta pay the full amount, then he’s back in that position, right? So this is a lifeline. It is not a bailout. It’s still infuriating. It’s still a dereliction of duty, I think, by this appellate court. But we can’t change that and we just have to accept it for what it is, an absolute two-tiered system of justice where wealthy white guys can pretty much do whatever the hell they want at any time.

Farron Cousins is the executive editor of The Trial Lawyer magazine and a contributing writer at He is the co-host / guest host for Ring of Fire Radio. His writings have appeared on Alternet, Truthout, and The Huffington Post. Farron received his bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of West Florida in 2005 and became a member of American MENSA in 2009. Follow him on Twitter @farronbalanced