The family of a high schooler who took her own life are now suing the school for doing absolutely nothing to stop the horrific bullying and abuse that the child suffered. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.


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Mike Papantonio: The family of a high schooler who took her own life are now suing the school for doing absolutely nothing to stop this horrific bullying and abuse that this child suffered with and drove her to suicide. This to me, I don’t know who, his name is, Parlapanides. This is the guy who was at New Jersey, in New Jersey, Central Regional High School. Okay. Girl attacked, beat with a bottle, bruised, her face was bruised, her whole body was bruised. She was in terrible shape after these little, you know, sociopath, they are really sociopath. I mean, true sociopath, female predators. That’s what these girls were. She was on the ground kicking her. They were kicking her in the head, kicking her all over her body. Tell us what happens.

Farron Cousins: Yeah. They were assaulting her and not just assaulting her. Obviously there’s tons of witnesses all around doing nothing. It was filmed. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, it was then filmed and uploaded to social media. And as if that were not enough, she then the young woman who took her own life was bullied more online, as the video shows that she is obviously the victim here, more people pile on and send her these horrific threats. And mocking her, making fun of her, just absolutely pushed her to her absolute limits. And the school knew it. The school knew that this video was online and they did nothing. They’re actually blaming her and the family.

Mike Papantonio: Oh, yeah. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. The ugly thing is they have what they call their anti bully specialist there on staff. Okay. You have this guy, I just can’t get away from this, this guy, his name is Parlapanides. Parlapanides, I guess is how he says it. This is what he writes. Listen to this. After this family has lost their daughter. This is a quote. Now this is coming from the, the source is Daily Mail, but they got this one right because I’ve seen it in four or five different sources. The father is very, this is what he says. This is a quote from him. The father is very upset and has lost his child. So sometimes you have to eat the sandwich. Did you see that? This is what this idiot in charge of this regional, Central Regional High School says. And then the other idiots that I’m sure this fella hired, the other idiots were supposed to be anti bully specialists. They see that this is all over the internet. They know this girl has had the hell beat out of her. They know she’s whole, just hugely embarrassed. And the little sociopath, predators, the people who, the girls who did this, that if they don’t go to jail, I just don’t even know what the hell we do. Either the parents have to suffer or these little predators have to suffer. But they write and they say this, they brag about the fact of how funny the video is. And if you want the video, we’ll send it to you. It’s hilarious. This poor girl getting beat down on the ground at this high school and then leadership at the high school doing nothing about it.

Farron Cousins: Right. Well, because the high school said, well, we don’t wanna, you know, make these girls into these pariahs or whatever it was.

Mike Papantonio: Hell, they’re already pariahs. They’re gonna be, they’re gonna come up some form of criminal at some point in their life, well, if you followed them, you would see it happen.

Farron Cousins: Well, and like I said, they blamed the young woman herself. They said, well, she got into drugs. So obviously whatever happens to her, she kind of deserves it, I guess is they’re thinking. They said, oh, well, the father had had an affair.

Mike Papantonio: Six, what, six years? Seven to eight years before.

Farron Cousins: Yeah. So they’re literally shifting the blame and saying that, okay, well yes, she took her own life, but it’s not the fault of the people who beat the hell out of her and put it online. It’s because her dad had an affair and her mom was passed away. It just, it’s the most sickening thing I’ve ever seen.

Mike Papantonio: Farron, I would work for free, whoever’s handling this case, if they called me and they said, would you help try this case for free? I would do it. I would do it. I would go after these little sociopath predators with everything I had and send a hell of a message. And more importantly, I’d go after the administrator. Can you imagine an administrator writing something as horrible as that? Now that’s what’s reported. He didn’t say that to me, but that’s what’s reported. Who knows?