A recent investigation found that Tesla vehicles are failing at an alarming rate, and now the Senate is demanding answers from the company about what they knew and when they knew it. They are looking to see if there was a massive coverup at the company. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.
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Mike Papantonio: A recent investigation found that Tesla vehicles are failing at an alarming rate. Now, the Senate’s demanding answers from the company about what they knew and when they knew it. Yeah. I gotta tell you something. I got problems with this story. Why don’t you lay this story out and I wanna tell you what my problems are. Okay?
Farron Cousins: Yeah. Recently, Reuters came out, they did this big investigation. They found that there were steering failures with these Tesla vehicles that would almost render the entire vehicle inoperable, would become a danger on the roadway. So Reuters goes in, does their due diligence, looks at the internal documents, talks to people that work there. And what they said was, it looks like Tesla’s trying to shift responsibility from themselves and just saying, nope, the drivers, thousands of drivers all screwed up in the same way. So that’s where we’re at with what we know.
Mike Papantonio: You know, this is almost unprecedented. I don’t know if you realize that. Coming from Congress, now they’ve got, Musk has got a big ol’ zero on his back. He’s got a big target on his back. Let me give you the truth. The other side of the story. Faulty hidden defects are American cars, Japanese cars, they’re everywhere. Just some examples that I saw before we came in here where you had unintended acceleration in Toyotas. Killed 300 people. That went on for years. And there were complaint after complaint, went to Congress, went to regulators, they did nothing. Faulty ignition switches that caused the car to shut down and the driver would lose control of the car completely. That was complained about. You had regulators, you had Congress, no word, nothing was done. Okay. So what’s the difference here? Defective tires. The Firestone case. You remember that?
Farron Cousins: Yeah. God.
Mike Papantonio: Do you have any idea how long people, and it was 700 injuries. On the faulty ignition, 300 people died. I mean, we’re talking about far worse than we’re seeing with the Tesla case. But the Democrats at this point hate this guy and they’re going after him. And now this is what he’s faced with. I just think if you’re gonna do it, do it with everybody. Don’t center on Musk. The other one was the, you remember the bucking Bronco? That was, I mean, what, it killed a thousand people.
Farron Cousins: Yeah.
Mike Papantonio: 1000 people. And Congress knew about it. Regulators knew about it. The Pinto exploding gas tank, same deal. Plenty of notice what was going on. But Congress did nothing. And now they’re going after him. You gotta play fair. You gotta say, this is good for you and it’s good for everybody, and you can’t just pick favorites.
Farron Cousins: Right. I agree with you a hundred percent on that. And look, I understand Musk, he’s got his political leanings and yeah, he has off the Democrats. And they should be looking at this. But like you say, they ought to be looking at every single one.
Mike Papantonio: Everybody. Exactly.
Farron Cousins: There isn’t a single automaker in the United States that hasn’t, at some point, probably some of them even today, that are covering up significant dangers that eventually are gonna come across your desk here at the law firm. And you’re gonna have to deal with it and see the documents. But, I also wanna point out, by the way, the GM ignition switch, so everybody understands GM saved $2 and 13 cents per vehicle on that ignition switch that killed hundreds of people.
Mike Papantonio: 300 people.
Farron Cousins: For less than $3, is what they saved. But look, we could be looking at something similar with Tesla. It has all the signs of yeah, they probably knew something was screwed up and yeah, this many people could get hurt. It’s what they all do. But if you’re gonna call them in and say, come answer questions, say, oh, by the way, after you, we’ve got GM, Ford, Toyota, everybody coming in after.
Mike Papantonio: Exactly. I mean, play fair. As you know, I’m no big fan of Musk. I’m just saying, look, how many times have you seen us involved with a lawsuit that’s outrageous? I mean, completely crazy. Like the CPAP lawsuit that’s going on right now that we’re handling, that’s the mask that you put on because you have apnea, hell, it’s causing all kinds of lung diseases. So we take that kind of information. We put it in a box. We send it to the right people. Invariably they do nothing about it. Okay. So this bothers me a lot because this is targeting, and when you start targeting and weaponizing the process, that’s all that’s happened here. Whether I like him or not, you know what, doesn’t make any difference. Let’s be fair across the table.