Facebook’s parent company Meta wants to sell your child’s data to the highest bidder, and they are prepared to go to court to fight an order that says they aren’t allowed to do that. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.
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Mike Papantonio: Facebook’s parent company Meta wants to sell your child’s data to the highest bidder, and they’re prepared to go to court to fight the order that says they aren’t allowed to do that. Wow. Okay. Pick it up.
Farron Cousins: This is a particularly disturbing story because several years ago you had the Federal Trade Commission actually do something good.
Mike Papantonio: Rare.
Farron Cousins: Yeah. They came out and said, okay, social media companies, specifically you Facebook because you’re the worst, you can’t sell data of users under the age of 18. Simple enough.
Mike Papantonio: What are the reasons for that? I mean, give the common sense reasons for that.
Farron Cousins: The common sense reason is these are people that cannot legally enter into a contract to say you’re allowed to sell their data. It’s basic pre-law stuff there. So the FTC says you can’t do it. It’s dangerous. They’re minors.
Mike Papantonio: They become victims. They become trafficking victims. There’s a whole host of problems that that freak understands. And they’re still, he’s still sickened the lawyers on the Federal Trade Commission. As you just pointed out, I’ve never seen in the last 10 years the Federal Trade Commission do anything really meaningful. This is meaningful. I mean, he’s trying to say, there’s a problem here, we gotta solve it.
Farron Cousins: And Facebook says, how dare you? We have 13 year olds on our app, and by God, we wanna sell their data. We wanna sell it to Amazon, we wanna sell it to JC Penney or whoever it is out there. They’ll buy this data. And then of course, once the data gets out there, it’s gonna get into the hands of people that should not have it. Like you point out.
Mike Papantonio: Well, it’s the equivalent, this is a good description. What’s happening here is the equivalent, we handled the tobacco case. We got that whole thing rolling right here in Florida. And one thing that we saw, well, it would be the equivalent of the FTC, it’s like big tobacco trying to gut the FDA. Remember? Okay. They did everything they could to gut the FDA and say all this stuff about cancer, meaningless. It’s a bunch of lawyers’ who’s chasing, ambulance chasers. Well, this is the equivalent here. This is the industry that wants to gut the FTC, which is the only people at the reigns. Nobody else is in charge. Right?
Farron Cousins: Yeah. And again, this is a good decision by the FTC, but listen, Facebook’s probably gonna get some great lawyers, scumbag type, but good at what they do at protecting corporations. This is one that they could win. And this is, people, y’all gotta watch what your kids are doing because.
Mike Papantonio: Well, I love that at least Edward Markey comes out and says, really? This is deplorable that you know that you’re victimizing children by doing this. Elizabeth Warren, I can’t believe you’re doing this. Who are the voices that are speaking up? Those are the only two big voices I’m seeing right now. How about you?
Farron Cousins: No, no. I mean, this is kinda it.
Mike Papantonio: Markey and Elizabeth Warren
Farron Cousins: And they’re great people. Could be running for president.
Mike Papantonio: Two great Democrats that should be running for president. I totally agree.