America’s Lawyer E74: Farron Cousins fills in for Mike Papantonio on this episode of America’s Lawyer, recorded at the Mass Torts Made Perfect biannual legal conference. Ozempic has become almost a pop culture phenomenon. Attorney Cameron Stephenson lays out the significant problems with the “weight loss” drug. There’s been a lot of talk in the media, surprisingly recently about P-F-A-S, PFAS chemicals, and honestly, that is surprising. Attorney Madeline Pendley explains the dangers associated with this toxin.

Click here to find out more about Ozempic lawsuits.

Click here to learn more about PFAS lawsuits.


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Farron Cousins: Ozempic has become almost a pop culture phenomenon. You have people out there suddenly losing weight and everybody says, oh, they’re on Ozempic. I’ve got Cameron Stevenson with me right now, a of a great attorney from our firm here. And Cameron, we’re starting to see as per usual with these weight loss drugs, some pretty significant problems with Ozempic. So lay out what we’re starting to see here.

Cameron Stephenson: Farron, first of all, thank you for having me. Everybody needs to realize that these drugs were designed and approved for a very specific patient population. These drugs were designed and approved to help diabetics type 2 diabetics lower their A1C, their blood sugar. But what these manufacturers didn’t tell the FDA is that, hey, we’re gonna get it approved for this patient population, but we’re gonna go after a much larger group of people. We’re not going after just type 2 diabetics. We’re going after anybody who wants to lose 10, 15, 20, 25 pounds. We’re gonna go get Hollywood. We’re gonna go get celebrities. We’re gonna pay them to say, this is how I keep the weight off. This is how I lose weight. And so you’re right, it is a phenomenon. It is a culture shock, the way that this drug is exploding.

And to kind of show you the vastness of this, Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk, when they announced Q2 earnings a couple of months ago, their stocks were up 20% in 48 hours. What does that tell you? That means that their earnings shattered the Street’s expectations. And if you look into it, the reason that they did is because nobody, nobody knew that these prescriptions were gonna be written in the numbers that they were, except for the companies. And they are making money hand over fist. And what they’re not telling people and what they never told the FDA and what they never told doctors, people’s primary care physicians, is that these drugs can paralyze your stomach. These drugs can actually cause paralysis of your stomach to where you have a blockage to where you have to go to the ER, to where you have to go to the hospital. And time, time after time, after time, we’re seeing these intakes of people saying, I just wanted to lose 20 pounds and now my bowels don’t work.

Farron Cousins: And it’s really scary too, because Ozempic, one of the mechanisms in it, it slows the stomach down. So basically it’s making your body think, okay, well, hey, I’ve still got food. I’m not hungry, I don’t need to eat. And that is essentially how the whole kind of weight loss thing works. You’re just eating less because your stomach’s not processing it. And then you have some people, their stomach really can’t do a slowdown and so it’s just causing nothing. You eat, it sits.

Cameron Stephenson: Right.

Farron Cousins: And the stories that I have read, because this is actually one of the things, surprisingly, the media’s done a little bit of reporting, well, they did a little bit of reporting the one big story. And then it’s kind of where, where’d the Ozempic story go? The people were describing this horrific pain and it was all the same thing. Yeah, I thought I was gonna lose a little bit of weight because that was the thing in the commercial, oh, it’s Ozempic, it’s for your A1C, blah, blah, blah, diabetes, and I lost a little bit of weight. They always do that part because look, man, we know a weight loss drug that works and has no side effects, that’s the holy grail of the pharmaceutical industry.

Cameron Stephenson: One hundred percent.

Farron Cousins: If you do that, you’re set forever.

Cameron Stephenson: Who doesn’t wanna lose weight? How many times have people, everyone, every adult person has thought, when is the science gonna give me a pill to where I don’t have to eat right and I don’t have to exercise? I mean, everybody would want that. And so what you’re seeing with these drugs is that that’s what they’re trying to sell the American public, but they weren’t approved for that initially and the off-label marketing and promotion is rampant in this case. And a doctor cannot go through the risk benefit analysis with their patient of whether or not a patient should be on this drug unless they’re aware of the side effects and what this can cause. And these manufacturers, we see it time and time again in these litigations and I know you’ve seen it and reported on it, Farron, is that in the case studies, in the clinical trials, they were getting these reports. Why didn’t they tell anybody?

Farron Cousins: And it is scary too, because you do have doctors out there and they know, listen, this person’s not a diabetic. They might be pre-diabetic. And why don’t we just put ’em on this? And, hey, you’ve been saying you wanted to lose a little weight. Here’s an idea. So the corporation at the top, they’re the biggest bad guys. But you’ve got some doctors out there that may not have known the side effects, obviously. But this off-label prescribing of it, that’s something that seriously needs a better look across the country.

Cameron Stephenson: I agree. And the more that this story comes out, I would warn any of my friends that are physicians, any of my friends that are primary care physicians, you really need to read about this gastroparesis issue because it’s out there and you know about it. And if you’re still prescribing it off-label, that could be a problem for you. Even though for years the company was marketing it that way to them, and their head was in the sand, you’re not gonna be able to keep your head in the sand forever.

Farron Cousins: Absolutely. And that’s one of the reasons we do this like we do right here. Because obviously there was the, I guess CNN was the one who did the big report on it.

Cameron Stephenson: Right, yeah.

Farron Cousins: And ever since then, it just kind of died off. I’ve spoken to people who have essentially told me like, yeah, I’ve got multiple members of my family that are on Ozempic, none of whom are diabetic. I’ve spoken to people who are pretty well connected in the Hollywood world, and they say, everybody,

Cameron Stephenson: Everybody.

Farron Cousins: It’s everybody. It’s now the go-to, let me take this. I don’t have to worry about it.

Cameron Stephenson: This drug has been out for a while, but I predict, and it’s funny, whenever I was talking to Pap about this, when we were talking about launching this project, I don’t know that I can tell you where we’re gonna be in 12 months, in a year and a half, two years in terms of, is gastroparesis the end story here? Is there another injury? Is there another condition that’s gonna be a part of this litigation? And we just don’t know about it yet.

Farron Cousins: It’s one of those things where when it’s almost too good to be true, it usually is. And look, while I’ve got you, I have to talk about this issue too, because I think this is another one that is obviously, this is more widespread than Ozempic, and that is the PPIs.

Cameron Stephenson: Right.

Farron Cousins: The proton pump inhibitors. If that sounds foreign to you, heartburn medication, over the counter prescription. There was recently, because the Prilosec issue has been out there for a long time, first of all, tell us what was happening with these PPIs.

Cameron Stephenson: So PPIs, like you said, they’re for acid reflux, GERD, just heartburn. You can get ’em both prescription and over the counter. What these drugs were causing is kidney disease, in two forms, chronic and acute. So some people would have their kidney completely shut down and they would have to go to the hospital, get medications. Sometimes they got better, sometimes they didn’t. Chronic over the course of decades, of years to decades using these drugs, the chronic kidney disease can happen where you get CKD 3, gets to 4, gets to 5, and you’re at end stage renal disease, and now you need dialysis for the rest of your life. So this was a drug, much like Ozempic, that, I mea, how many people don’t have heartburn? People are looking for something to help their reflux, to help their heartburn and the efficacy of these drugs, PPIs work, they do their job.

But again, like we see in every case, the manufacturers didn’t tell people that their kidneys could fail on them and that’s something that you have a right to know, to talk about with your doctor before you get on these drugs. And like you said, Farron, I’m very happy to report, and I can’t really get into specifics, but the plaintiff’s executive committee, the plaintiff’s steering committee of which Levin Papantonio Rafferty is a member, just reached a massive settlement with AstraZeneca, and they’re the makers of Nexium and Prilosec. Now one of the manufacturers that we’re still going after is Takeda. AZ is the biggest market share defendant, but Takeda’s not that far behind them. And now our eyes are focused sharply on Takeda, and we’re gonna bring the litigation to them.

Farron Cousins: That is wonderful. And again, I don’t wanna say it’s on the patients, but the patients due to the fact that the doctor may just, you could see studies, doctors spend what a couple of minutes actually talking to their patients? So you have to kind of take that initiative as the patient. And I know it’s unfair. It shouldn’t be on you. But it really is. So no matter what your doctor prescribes, I think a question you should ask, whether it’s something as simple as your heartburn medicine or something as intense as your diabetes medication, ask about the side effects. Don’t just flip through the little pamphlet that comes tucked inside there. You gotta ask every time, right?

Cameron Stephenson: You’ll want to know what’s going in your body. Plain and simple.

Farron Cousins: Absolutely. Cameron Stevenson, wonderful work. I will obviously keep having you back on as this Ozempic thing continues to grow.

Cameron Stephenson: Please do.

Farron Cousins: So thank you so much for joining us.

Cameron Stephenson: I appreciate it, Farron. Thank you.

Farron Cousins: No problem.

Farron Cousins: There’s been a lot of talk in the media, surprisingly recently about P-F-A-S, PFAS chemicals, and honestly, that is surprising. It’s not typically something that we see the media talking about, but I’m joined now by Madeline Pendley. Madeline, we’ve talked about PFAS here at Ring of Fire on America’s Lawyer quite a bit. That’s a case that Mike Papantonio has been handling. So obviously we’re gonna talk about it. I gotta say, I’m really shocked because on a weekly basis, at least, I will get online check the websites I usually check and I’ll see articles about PFAS. This is something the country is actually finally starting to pay attention to.

Madeline Pendley: Exactly. They’re finally paying attention. It’s not a new issue to your point, and even the litigation’s not new. We’ve really been doing offshoots of the PFAS litigation for over a decade and the main thing that’s gotten the attention these days is the settlements, finally, with some of the biggest PFAS manufacturers, 3M and DuPont. So finally, because there’s billions of dollars being talked about people are finally looking into the issue.

Farron Cousins: And it’s really interesting too to kind of see how the PFAS issue has evolved, I guess you would say, because of course the first, the big one was Teflon. 3M develops these chemicals and DuPont takes it over. And so for decades we’re being told, hey, look at this great non-stick pan. This is wonderful. Everything is great. And then they’re dumping off all of these PFAS chemicals into the Ohio River Valley. We’re talking about entire towns just poisoned with these toxins.

Madeline Pendley: Correct.

Farron Cousins: So those were the first cases with huge, huge results there for everybody. And now we’re starting to see it in the military bases. We’re seeing it with the firefighting foam. We’re seeing it in the water supply. This has now just branched out and ballooned into all of these avenues where PFAS are flowing.

Madeline Pendley: Yes. And to your point, they’ve always made products with PFAS in them, and they’re always miracle products. To their credit, they do work well. I mean, a non-stick pan, it was hard to transition. But the latest product that we are going after and that resulted in the settlement is the firefighting foam as you were alluding to. But what is so bad about that product in particular is it’s actually the perfect mechanism to spread PFAS everywhere. So the way these firefighters, airport workers and so on were trained to use it, is they were told you need to train with it daily to make sure it still works, which isn’t true, so they could sell more foam and they were told to spray it just directly on the ground and leave it. And so if you’re not familiar with this, it looks like a big foam blanket, like firefighters thought it was as safe as bubble bath. They were having graduation parties in it, like spraying foam around.

Farron Cousins: Oh my god.

Madeline Pendley: Yeah. Because they thought it was safe, because that’s what they were told. They would spray it on the ground, leave it soaks into the soil, soaks into the water table and so that’s how it spreads everywhere from there.

Farron Cousins: And at this point, some of the studies that have come out absolutely shocking because we’re looking at 98% of the population, not the population of this room, not the population of our state, 98% of human beings have traces of PFAS. You would have to travel to some remote country, to a group of people never contacted by the outside world. And even then you’re probably still gonna find PFAS. That’s how prevalent it is.

Madeline Pendley: Exactly. And so you think when we talk to people about this case, they think, oh, well, if I live near a military base or if I live near an airport, that’s the only time I would have to worry. And certainly you’re being exposed to more when you live close to facilities like that, but it’s everywhere now. And because, and again, foam is not the only product that PFAS chemicals are in. They’re in so many things and they’re starting to be regulated, so they’ve got to stop using those things. But for the time being, it’s already everywhere.

Farron Cousins: It is. It actually reminds me a lot of asbestos. People thought like, oh, okay, well they’ve outlawed asbestos. No, no, no. They outlawed asbestos to be used as insulation. It’s still used in vehicle manufacturing tremendously. All kinds of other side applications that people didn’t know there was asbestos in. And PFAS is the same way.

Madeline Pendley: It is.

Farron Cousins: Because it’s like, okay, well I don’t have the non-stick pans, so I’m good. I’m obviously not a firefighter. I’m totally fine. No, you could look at the Levin Law website, has a great list of like, listen, here’s all the main things. And that’s just the beginning. You could be a hundred miles away, but because of the way the water tables flow, that military base, oh, well that’s in another state, that’s over the border. You are getting those chemicals. You could live the cleanest, healthiest lifestyle and unfortunately, you can’t hide from these. That’s what’s so scary about it.

Madeline Pendley: That’s exactly right. And then they’re continuing to be used in other products, like even fast food packaging. You know, like when you get a milkshake and it doesn’t stick to the cup, it kind of beads up. It’s all in there. It used to be in Chipotle bowls, but at least they’ve switched ’em out. I mean, it’s everywhere. It’s in rain jackets. And thankfully the amount of PFAS in those products is significantly less than what we saw with the High River Valley cases and what we see with firefighting foam. So hopefully just limit your exposure and we’re okay there, but there’s really no escaping what’s already in the water. And then once it’s in the environment, it’ll hang out in the soil for decades, if not centuries, just continuing to matriculate down into the water. So even once you get the water cleaned up, it’s kind of just continuing to leach down, leach down, leach down. And so it’s gonna be this ongoing, incredibly expensive remediation project for decades to come.

Farron Cousins: And one of the things that Pap loves to point out, well, he doesn’t love to, but he always makes sure to point out, is that this is bioaccumulative.

Madeline Pendley: Yes.

Farron Cousins: So it’s not just like, oh no, I just had PFAS, let me go flush my system. It’s there and then it builds up. So again, you can live the cleanest lifestyle and you can say, look, I’ve gotten rid of all of my exposure. It’s not gone from you. And that is of course, when the problems start, because you have these substances that are foreign to your body. They don’t belong in your body, but they’re there and they’re there for decades.

Madeline Pendley: And it’s hard to avoid. It’s almost impossible to just, okay, I’ve identified one source of PFAS, I’m now going to stay away from it. You really can’t. It’s everywhere. And to your point, once you’re exposed, it continues to build up in your body with each and every exposure. So even if it’s minimal, it will accrue in your body and remains in your body for years.

Farron Cousins: So what are the, I mean, the list is massive. What are the biggest health issues that we’ve seen with the PFAS exposures?

Madeline Pendley: There are a ton, as you mentioned. The ones that we think are best supported at this time, just based on literature that’s been going on, studies that have been going on for decades are kidney cancer and testicular cancer. Those have been supported as far back as the original litigation that you mentioned in the Ohio River Valley. But it also causes so many other smaller things like even hypothyroidism, causes birth defects a lot of the times. We saw that in the Ohio River Valley cases. Issues with fertility, issues with not being able to lose weight as easily. There’s just a lot of stuff because they disrupt your endocrine system as well and what we also see is they damage DNA, which is how it causes cancer.

Farron Cousins: Yeah. These chemicals are horrific. We got a little bit, I guess you’d call it relief, this past summer. The EPA did come out. So what are these new guidelines, I guess, that we’ve got? It’s kind of hard to make out with the way they’ve put the limits.

Madeline Pendley: Right. So it’s a proposed maximum contamination level, meaning they’re not final yet, but we think they will be. And basically what it is requiring is that water providers, city of whatever utility, they have to now start testing for PFAS if they weren’t before. And if they find more than four parts per trillion, which is actually a very, very small amount, they then have to take steps to remediate their water. Before we had an issue where it was difficult to tell where PFAS was because not everyone was testing for it, and not every facility or provider could test accurately down to the level that we think they need to be able to. These providers were, and it’s not their fault, but they were saying things like, we don’t have any PFAS. You don’t know that that’s true because you’re not, you don’t have what you need to do the testing. So the EPA came out with what’s called UCMR 5 that will require everyone to test. So we will have a much better idea of where these chemicals are and at what levels, which I think is a good first step.

Farron Cousins: It is. It’s a long overdue first step, at least we’re finally getting there. And part of it, I think too, is the fact that there is now attention on this. Hopefully, obviously we’re gonna keep doing it. I hope the rest of the media keeps doing it. Madeline, thank you so much for joining us. It’s a horrible story. You did a phenomenal job telling it though, so thank you.

Madeline Pendley: Thank you. Thanks for having me.

Mike Papantonio: Surgical mesh products have been causing problems in patients for years, depending on the brand and the type of mesh that’s used. But now new complaints are emerging about a surgical mesh product that was initially used as a safe alternative because of the material that was used. It was biologic material. I’ve got Tim O’Brien with me, the premier lawyer, trial lawyer in these cases. Tim you and I did a segment on the artificial implant that was used, the mesh implant. This is a lot more bothersome because this is a biologic that’s contaminated and it’s not artificial. It’s actually bovine material. Right? Tell us about this case and what you intend to do with it.

Tim O’Brien: Right. So this is, I’ve got this case involving the Integra SurgiMend biologic mesh. And a client came to me through Mississippi, had lost her husband, and he went through a horrific death. And the doctors couldn’t figure out what was going on because he had an infection and the infection couldn’t be beat. Antibiotics, intravenous antibiotics.

Mike Papantonio: Was it sepsis? I mean, full-blown sepsis.

Tim O’Brien: He had full-blown sepsis, which of course led to organ failure and respiratory death. And he died. Then a year and a half after he dies, a recall comes out, says, guess what, Integra? Integra says, for the past five years, we are recalling all of those products because of endotoxin contamination.

Mike Papantonio: Okay. Now explain endotoxin because it’s not just a regular toxin. This is where bacteria dies and out of that bacteria comes some awful things. Right?

Tim O’Brien: Right. It is seriously the Trojan horse. So the body attacks the bacteria, it attacks it, the bacteria dies, the cell wall breaks down, and then out of the Trojan horse comes this thing called an endotoxin. And if it’s one of the types of endotoxin like we have here with the Integra products, the problem is by and large, you cannot treat it with antibiotics. And it is designed to kill, it is designed to kill. And the body, if the numbers are high enough in terms of the endotoxin release, can’t fight it. Now, so that’s what I would call the bad roulette wheel because maybe you’ll get lucky and only a small number is released and the body can fight it. Or you can be one of those patients who has a big load of it, and guess what happens? You start with hypotension, your blood pressure goes down, the doctors say, well, he’s got a fever. Maybe he just got the flu. And then they realize this is much more dangerous because the patient’s organs are starting to fail. He’s going into septic shock and he’s diseased. And so then finally the patient because he or she can’t fight it, succumbs. And so short of that, you can also get bacterial meningitis from this.

Mike Papantonio: Okay. Let me ask you a couple questions. First of all, what you’re describing could be a latent effect. In other words, you have the surgery, it may not be next week after the surgery. It may not be next month after the surgery. It’s possible that that bacteria, that endotoxin rises from the bacteria down the road, isn’t it?

Tim O’Brien: Yeah. So think of it this way. So you got the bacteria living in a condo. That condo is put into your body and the bacteria are fine, as long as they aren’t released from that condo, they’re just sitting there in the old bacteria home. And then when the body starts getting into that condo and start attacking that bacteria and it breaking down, the endotoxins get released and they aren’t content to hang out in the condo. They want to take a road trip and that road trip is through the blood. And then when those endotoxins get into the blood, that’s when the bad things happen.

Mike Papantonio: Tell us how horrible death by sepsis is. People don’t, they hear well, they had sepsis. They don’t understand. This is a horrible, horrible death, isn’t it?

Tim O’Brien: It is because it is not like a heart attack or a stroke where it happens immediately. You know something’s wrong. You’re conscious and you know something’s wrong and the doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong. And the pain associated with an infection like this, an endotoxin infection because it’s not just in your finger where you cut yourself and you have a little puss, it’s in your entire body. So everything is starting to hurt. Your body, I’ve heard it described as sounds like a tuning fork, that when you hit that tuning fork and it’s buzzing, but the sound is pain, it’s everywhere. So the body is like a tuning fork. Everything is painful because of the contamination, because of the infestation of the endotoxins. And then you’re slowly watching your organs shut down and you meet your end.

Mike Papantonio: The truth is, there are companies that make this biologic mesh and they do a good job. They not infected with bacteria. They do what they’re supposed to do. This company didn’t do that. What’s the company? Give us a quick history on it.

Tim O’Brien: Alright, so it’s a company called Integra, and they bought another company called TEI Biosciences, which is located up in Boston, which was a biologic mesh manufacturer, now wholly owned. And what you do when you make a biologic mesh is you don’t cut it out of a cow or a pig or a sheep or anything like that. Instead you get essentially progenitor cells, which are kinda like stem cells from either fetal tissue from a cow or neonatal newborn tissues. And you propagate that, you let that grow. But because it is from an animal source, animals like everything carry bacteria, the testing for the bacterial contamination is of critical importance. The most important thing you can do. And so what happened with Integra starting no later than 2018, and in my estimation probably likely before then, they were not assaying the material well enough. In other words, they weren’t testing it to ensure, give a hundred percent confidence that there is no bacterial contamination.

Mike Papantonio: Didn’t they get a warning from the FDA saying, you’re not doing this right. We’ve inspected, you’re blowing this. You got a responsibility, people could die. Didn’t they give them warning letters about it?

Tim O’Brien: They did. And let me tell you, to get the FDA to come to your door and go through an inspection, it really takes, it’s not par for the course. You really have to have done something or the FDA has seen something that they don’t wanna see. So it started back in 2018 and 2019, and the FDA basically gave them a warning to the warning letter called a 483. You do not want to get a Form 483 because it’s very detailed. It says, we found this, we found this, and you company have committed to fix it. And so what happened was they committed to fix it. FDA didn’t follow up. And then lo and behold, five years later, there’s a recall involving much of the same problems that we’re seeing with that 483. That then triggers another FDA inspection. They come issue a 483 and soon after that, a warning letter and a warning letter is problematic because 483 is, you can keep quiet. A warning letter is public for all the world to see.

Mike Papantonio: Okay. Most folks that have been following this litigation for decades understand who you are. They understand that you’ve led the litigation in all types of mesh cases. How did you get involved to where you uncovered step by step, the case that you’re getting ready to go to trial with?

Tim O’Brien: So on the Perfects plug case, I got involved about five years ago. There were attorneys, young attorneys, great firebrands, people who had done transvaginal mesh litigation. And they came to me and to you and said, we think we’ve got the same problem that was in transvaginal mesh, but in hernia mesh. There’s a lot of cross pollination here. So I got involved and started looking into it, and I immediately realized this is number one, an under-regulated industry. And number two, it was using products and systems that were just utterly deficient. And the problem is, it’s so widespread. Hundreds of thousands of people have used the synthetic meshes, and now in the background, the biologic meshes are coming on as an alternative.

Mike Papantonio: You like the alternative, if it’s right, I take it. You like the biologic mesh if it’s done properly, this was not done properly. Is that kind of what your case is about?

Tim O’Brien: That’s right. This is not about the material itself. It’s about what you do with the material. Recognizing it’s coming from a non-human source.

Mike Papantonio: We’re gonna put these companies up, SurgiMend, ReVize, TissueMend, and PriMatrix.

Tim O’Brien: Right. So TissueMend is actually a Stryker product, but it’s made by Integra, by TEI. So that’s what we call private label. They just simply punch it out, put the Stryker label on it. So all the problems go back to Integra’s Boston facility. And those are the biologic products that they make.

Mike Papantonio: Hundreds of cases, thousands of cases. How many are out there?

Tim O’Brien: It remains to be seen. We know that tens of thousands of patients have received these and we, I know from the standpoint of, I just had a client call who lost her husband. My estimation, it’ll be in the low thousands, in the several thousands of cases.

Mike Papantonio: Tim O’Brien, good luck with this. It’s an important case. Again, I’m always amazed corporate America, if money’s involved and they can say, I’m gonna put this product out there and I’m gonna leave it out there as long as I can, this product was not recalled when it should have been recalled. Was it? There was a time gap where they knew way before the recall. They knew way before that they had a problem and they kept it out there anyway, didn’t they?

Tim O’Brien: Yes. They could have recalled it. Stopped manufacturing, got the problem fixed when they first discovered it back in 2018. And instead, tens of thousands of these were implanted into patients.

Mike Papantonio: I can tell you, this company does not want you across the council table. They’re in for a bad day. Thank you for joining me. Okay.

Tim O’Brien: Thank you, Mike.

Mike Papantonio: That’s all for this week. But all these segments are gonna be available throughout next week, so make sure you’re subscribed to Ring of Fire’s YouTube channel. I’m Mike Papantonio and this has been America’s Lawyer, where we tell you the stories every week that corporate media won’t tell you, because their advertisers do not allow them to tell the story. They’ll lose advertising dollars if they do. Or their political connections, either Republican or Democrat, they are not allowed to tell the story because they have such a kinship with that political party, rather than simply calling balls and strikes. We call balls and strikes here. It might not be something you agree with all the time, but we ain’t gonna change. We’ll see you next time.