Via America’s Lawyer: Several tech companies have been accused of aiding foreign governments who are attempting to stifle dissents in their countries. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins to discuss more. Also, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia continues to face lawsuits over its proven connections to terrorist attacks, including the deadly mass shooting at a Pensacola naval base. Mike Papantonio and is joined by Attorney Chris Paulos to explain more.


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Mike Papantonio:             Several tech, tech companies have been accused of aiding foreign governments who are attempting to stifle dissent in the countries. This, this is awful. This is the worst. I mean, this is the worst I think I could say. Twitter, you take the story. Twitter.

Farron Cousins:                  Yeah, a Twitter employee who left back in 2015, but for several years had been working, being bribed essentially by the Saudi Arabian government, because they had come and done a tour of Twitter headquarters. They met this guy and they worked out an agreement with him through emails and secret phone calls for him to provide information on political dissidents, anyone criticizing Saudi Arabia, this guy who worked at Twitter, he has dual US and Lebanese citizenship.

Mike Papantonio:             He was given.

Farron Cousins:                  I’m searching for his name because it’s very difficult to pronounce.

Mike Papantonio:             Yeah, $300,000. Well, the point is he was given $300,000.

Farron Cousins:                  Right. And he would send a here, here’s their location. Here was their last IP address. So that the government could do, I don’t know, maybe whatever it is the Saudi Arabian government has been known to do.

Mike Papantonio:             Well.

Farron Cousins:                  To dissidents.

Mike Papantonio:             Yeah.

Farron Cousins:                  And that is terrifying and this employee of Twitter, aided and abetted it. He’s now facing 23 criminal counts.

Mike Papantonio:             Emails, addresses, phone numbers, data over everything that’s being transmitted by, by these dissidents. And you don’t think the Royal family is going to deal with that? You know that, Twitter cannot, Twitter cannot sit back and say, it’s okay.

Farron Cousins:                  Right.

Mike Papantonio:             This is one hell of a lawsuit and somebody needs to pull that trigger because this, matter of fact, the Yahoo, the Yahoo case is a, is another example. Yahoo is the same thing. Yahoo, a friend of mine is actually handled that case, a guy named Mark Lanier, a very good trial lawyer and he’s going to bust them up. Tell, talk about this story.

Farron Cousins:                  Yeah, this one it’s very similar. You had survivors of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, who had been criticizing the Chinese government outside of the country. Yahoo comes in and says, hey, China, we want to be allowed in your country. You don’t allow us right now. So what if we give you the names of dissidents? What if we tell you where these people are in exchange for being allowed to operate in China? China says, okay, that’s a great idea. Yahoo starts feeding them all of this information about these dissidents. This one in particular, he was rounded up, driven 50 hours.

Mike Papantonio:             Black site.

Farron Cousins:                  Deprived of sleep, torture, all kinds of horrendous actions because Yahoo made it happen.

Mike Papantonio:             Yeah, well there’s no question Yahoo actually had a deal. What they were trying to do is expand, it was all about money, Farron.

Farron Cousins:                  Yeah.

Mike Papantonio:             It’s all about money. We’ll help you, China, if you will help us expand. We’ll help you, China, if you will do A, B and C. There’s an arms length transaction and the folks, the leadership, the very top, the owners, the CEOs of Yahoo said this, we’re going to allow to happen. This guy spends two years in prison. He gets out of prison. They arrest him again. They burn his house down. They threaten his family. They take a couple of them off and threaten them. This guy’s brought a lawsuit, I just can’t wait to see the result. Bodily, you know, he has a loss of bodily functions. He has disfigurement. The damages are huge in this case and I don’t, you know what, I know the players involved here. I know Mark very well. He tries cases with me. He’s gonna, he’s gonna rock their world and maybe, maybe somebody will get it. Huh?

Farron Cousins:                  Well, you know, these social media giants have been going through all these extra steps to try to label people that they think are somehow affiliated with foreign governments when they really need to be looking inside themselves.

Mike Papantonio:             Yeah.

Farron Cousins:                  Because these are the people who are legitimately working for foreign governments to get people killed.

Mike Papantonio:             Right.

Farron Cousins:                  That’s the bottom line.

Mike Papantonio:             Right. Thank you for joining me, Farron.

Farron Cousins:                  Thank you.

Mike Papantonio:             The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been named in a lawsuit over a mass shooting that took place in Pensacola, Florida, at the Naval station in 2019, after a Saudi national murdered multiple people and sent dozens more to the hospital. Joining me to talk about this lawsuit is my partner, Chris Paulos. It’s, Chris, I’m so glad. I don’t, I don’t think there’s anybody in the country, honestly, that knows as much about how the Royal family, the Saudi Royal family operates its terrorism regime in the United States. So start by telling us what, tell us about the day that the shooting took place in, in the Navy base.

Chris Paulos:                        On December 6th, 2019, second Lieutenant Alshamrani of the Royal Saudi air force entered a secure military Navy installation at NAS Pensacola. He brought with him hundreds of rounds of nine millimeter ammunition and a nine millimeter pistol. He went and prayed at a pray station on base and then he immediately walked into building 633 on the base, scouted the location, using his uniform as cover to walk through a building that he was very familiar with because he was a student there, identified his victims and then proceeded to execute them one at a time for about 15 minutes.

Mike Papantonio:             Okay. He was a student there because we sell so damn many military weapons to Saudi Arabia that we then have to say, okay, well, we’ll train your people to use the most sophisticated weapons in the world. We’ll train them right here in the United States. As a matter of fact, one of my relatives actually trains them how to fly the most sophisticated airplanes on the planet. So we, this is all about, this is all about weapons, isn’t it?

Chris Paulos:                        That right. He was here because he was part of a training program that was directly tied to sales of aircrafts to Saudi Arabia.

Mike Papantonio:             So, good for McDonnell Douglas. Good for Raytheon. Good for Boeing. But bad when you look at what, what, what the Saudi Royal family is using this for. Tell us, tell us about the shooter.

Chris Paulos:                        Well, the shooter, again, second Lieutenant Alshamrani was handpicked by the Saudi Royal air force to come over here to learn to fly planes. He had allegedly been vetted for anything in his background that would be suspicious, but clearly something failed entirely, if not it was intentionally ignored by the Saudi military when they picked him. He had posted online extreme ideologies and extreme views, anti-American, anti-Israel views, well before ever joining the Saudi military and well before ever being picked to come in, to the United States to learn to fly planes.

Mike Papantonio:             Okay. And of course, the suggestion that I’ve seen time and time again is he was a Trojan horse. Okay. He had been trained by the Wahhabi clerics. He was, he was, he was covered with their awful, awful ideology of how everything in the West, that we’re a bunch of devils. We’re a bunch of infidels who need to be killed. I mean, that’s, that’s the message of the, the Wahabi cleric, who, by the way, the Wahhabi clerics are so tied to the Royal family that you can’t stick a knife between the two of them. That’s how close the Wahhabi clerics, the crazy guys, and the Saudi Royal family is.

Chris Paulos:                        Yeah, that’s correct. He was exposed to those types of teachings from an early age and all through the state sponsored educational program there in Saudi Arabia. And he was quoting extreme clerics online for a long period of time before he ever committed this attack.

Mike Papantonio:             Okay. And we know the shooter, here’s what you just told us. The shooter, there was plenty of history before he ever stepped foot on American soil. We know that. We know that the movie, The Dissident really talks about what they call the flies. I think that’s the term they use, the flies, that keep up with everybody that comes from Saudi Arabia to the United States. Talk about that a little bit.

Chris Paulos:                        Yeah, absolutely. You know, Saudi Arabia is one of the most prolific police States in the world. They track all of their citizens abroad. They use technology to track their cell phones, and we knew they were employing this type of technology on all of their citizens cell phones in the United States, including Lieutenant Alshamrani at the time that he was acting very suspicious. He actually took, he went AWOL. He took leave unapproved, went to New York in the weeks before the attack over Thanksgiving weekend and paid homage to the 9/11 terrorist attacks by visiting the Memorial site there with fellow soldiers that should have reported that behavior.

Mike Papantonio:             Yeah. And the fellow soldiers thing, I don’t, I still don’t think has feathered itself out the, on the base. The fact that this wasn’t just one guy. There, there’s a bigger problem than this and unfortunately, the weapons industry has such a strong thumb, heavy thumb, over the Pentagon that we’re allowing these folks to stay and we shouldn’t. You know, it’s just a matter of time before they’re flying all these jets against us, before they’re using this weaponry against us or Israel. It’s just a matter time.