Via America’s Lawyer: Amazon is ordered to allow its Alabama warehouse workers to vote on whether to unionize. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.


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Mike Papantonio:             Finally tonight some good news. Amazon has lost a bid to prevent their Alabama warehouse from holding a vote by mail creation of workers unions and Farron Cousins is back to talk with me about it. Welcome back. This is a great story because it’s not just about Bessemer, Alabama, is it? This is, this could have big impact on Amazon and all of the tech companies be, to be frank.

Farron Cousins:                  It really could, you know, Amazon’s been trying for a very long time, we have talked about it plenty of times, to stop union creation at their plants. They have spied on workers. They have done all kinds of things, misinformation campaigns to stop the union organizers and now here, they’re dealt a massive blow in Alabama of all places. And now these 6,000 workers are allowed to, and this isn’t to recreate it as we know, this is just a vote on whether or not to create it. And that’s how desperate Amazon was.

Mike Papantonio:             Yeah.

Farron Cousins:                  We don’t even want you to vote.

Mike Papantonio:             Yeah. Don’t even have the permit, we don’t get, we can’t get permission to raise your hand, you know. Okay. So the other part of the story we’ve got about 30 seconds here, but the other part of the story Farron is that Amazon is so ubiquitous. It’s in the food, clothing, tech, name it they’re in the business of it. So this has a broad range. This right to unionize has such a broad range and it has an effect on all the, all the tech companies, doesn’t it?

Farron Cousins:                  Absolutely and hopefully it does. If, if these workers in Alabama seize this moment and use it for what it is, they can change this entire industry starting right there in Bessemer, Alabama.

Mike Papantonio:             Well, I’m optimistic. I’m optimistic because Amazon’s throwing everything at these people, everything, big money lawyers, all types of, of scam campaigns. I’m very optimistic. Thank you for joining me. Okay.

Farron Cousins:                  Thank you.