Responding to the latest creep show to be outed on the Fox News network, Pat Robertson claimed this week that Eric Bolling and the other men at Fox who have been accused of serious sexual harassment were simply set up in order to damage the network’s integrity.

Speaking on his show The 700 Club, Robertson said that he believed Bolling was just the latest victim in a carefully orchestrated scheme to damage Fox’s reputation.

“If you wanted to destroy the Fox News, you really wanted to destroy them, what would you do? Well you would send some salacious material, ostensibly from one of their popular co-hosts or hosts and you’d send it out and then get it publicized and then you have some woman complain that she had gotten this salacious material from this co-host and then she would come to Fox, and Fox is so averse to any kind of legal action that they would immediately take the person off the air, so before long you would have decimated the prime time line up of all the Fox hosts. Easy to do? Absolutely. Is it being done? Probably.”

Robertson’s comments were inspired by the suspension of Fox News’ Eric Bolling, yet another Fox man who was accused of sexual harassment against women who claim he sent them sexually explicit text messages.

In Pat Robertson’s world, homosexuality is the ultimate sin and no good God-loving man ever did anything wrong (except for good old locker room talk, aye Pat?). Thanks to this delusion, the only possible explanation for all of the recent Fox ousters isn’t that they are a group of indomitable creeps, but because harlots and Fox-haters have embarked on an elaborate trap.

Sure, Robertson, it could be an elaborate scheme involving dozens and dozens of people and incredibly impeccable planted evidence, or it could just be that Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, Eric Bolling, and many other actors behind the scenes had simply spent decades disrespecting women both privately and publicly.

One thing is clear here: Robertson is simply trying to protect his brand. Old, white men are increasingly forced to step into line after women are emboldened to reveal their long-kept secrets. Conservative media may once have been a boy’s club, and it won’t change over night. What it will do is scare the crap out of creeps like Robertson.

Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at