The League of the South (LOS), a neo-Confederate group, has assembled a uniformed, armed militia whose mission is to attempt a “second southern secession,” reported The Southern Poverty Law Center.
Named “The Indomitables,” the militia contains members of many fringe, pro-Southern and racists groups: white supremacists, former Klansmen, and neo-Nazis. The idea for “The Indomitables” came about early this year at the LOS national meeting.
Many people called and left messages with the LOS, asking how the militia was to be used and why. LOS leader Michael Hill responded:
Even if we are – and you really have no idea on earth if we are or not – setting up a Southern militia or some other form of paramilitary organization, we are doing nothing that free men have not done for centuries. Deal with it and stop your whining.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, years of increasingly violent speech made by the LOS have culminated into the formation of this armed militia.
“The primary targets will not be enemy soldiers; instead, they will be political leaders, members of the hostile media, cultural icons, bureaucrats, and other of the managerial elite without whom the engines of tyranny don’t run,” wrote Hill in an essay posted on the LOS website last month.
Some members of the militia include former special ops military who possess knowledge in demolitions and military combat tactics. Michael Tubbs is a former green beret who, with the aid of another soldier, stole two M-16 rifles from fellow servicemen. They shouted “This is for the KKK” while escaping the scene, and were later caught and charged with stealing government property, said the SPLC. Hill gave Tubbs a leadership role in the new militia.
Although these kinds of groups tend to stay on the fringe and are mocked more than they are feared, the intensity and extreme nature of this newfound armed militia is alarming. However, it’s more likely to be a bunch of extreme right-wing nutjobs looking for attention.
Josh is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow him on Twitter @dnJdeli.