This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Mike Papantonio: Sundays at 12pm Eastern, 9am Pacific. Full schedule of rebroadcasts can be found at
This week on Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV: Farron Cousins from The Trial Lawyer Magazine and will be sitting in for Mike Papantonio this week.
Ian Millhiser, editor of Think Progress Justice, will tell us about the case of Harris v. Quinn, which could severely damage the power of labor unions.
Attorney Matthew Edling will discuss the problems with forced arbitration – a technique that completely undermines our civil justice system.
Attorney Howard Nations discusses the rift being created in GOP funders between the Tea Party and classical conservatives.
Nancy Cohen, author of the book “Delirium” will talk about the latest round of misogynistic talk from the GOP.
And a Attorney Mike Burg will tell us about the GOP’s attempt to repeal FATCA.
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